Chapter 2: Identifying Your Challenges

Time to shine a flashlight into the cobwebbed corners of your life.

Okay, you’re ready to grow. You’re pumped. You’re practically bursting with motivation. But wait—before we start scaling the heights of personal growth, we need to figure out what’s holding you back. Think of this as cleaning out your mental attic. Yes, it might be dusty. Yes, you might find a few skeletons. But trust me, it’s worth it.

Exercise: Life Wheel Assessment

Let’s start with a quick overview of your life. Imagine your life is a pizza (because, honestly, who doesn’t like pizza?). Each slice represents a different area: career, relationships, health, personal growth, finances, fun, and whatever else makes up your life.

Your task? Rate each slice on a scale from 1 to 10.

  • A 10 means you’re crushing it.

  • A 1 means the pizza is basically crust and you’re starving for improvement.


  • Career: 7 (pretty good, but could use more sauce).

  • Relationships: 5 (needs some extra cheese).

  • Health: 3 (definitely burnt).

  • Fun: 2 (who forgot the toppings?).

When you’re done, you’ll have a “Life Wheel.” If it’s lopsided, don’t worry—that’s why we’re here. And hey, no pizza is perfect, right?

Reflection Prompts: Where Are You Stuck?

Now that you’ve rated your life slices, let’s dive deeper. Grab a journal or your favorite notes app and answer these questions:

  1. Which area of my life feels the most challenging right now?
    (Hint: It’s usually the one that made you groan during the Life Wheel exercise.)

  2. What’s one specific challenge in this area?
    (E.g., “I feel stuck in my career because I’m afraid to ask for a promotion.”)

  3. How long have I felt this way?
    (Spoiler alert: If it’s been more than a year, it’s definitely time for action.)

  4. What’s holding me back from making a change?
    (Fear of failure? Lack of time? Netflix binges? Be honest.)

Identifying Patterns or Obstacles

Here’s where things get juicy. Challenges often come with patterns—recurring behaviors or thoughts that trip you up. Let’s shine a light on them:

Common Patterns to Look For:

  • Procrastination: Do you always tell yourself, “I’ll start tomorrow”? Spoiler: Tomorrow never comes.

  • Fear of Failure: Do you avoid trying new things because you’re scared of messing up? Welcome to the club, but it’s time to quit.

  • Negative Self-Talk: Are you your own worst critic? Newsflash: You deserve kindness—from yourself.

Your Task:
Look back at your answers. Do you see any patterns? Write them down. Identifying these recurring obstacles is the first step to breaking free from them.

Final Thought: Embrace the Mess

Here’s the truth: We all have challenges. Life is messy, and that’s okay. The goal isn’t to be perfect; it’s to get clear on what’s holding you back so you can take action. Think of this chapter as decluttering your mental space. Once you know what’s in your way, you can start knocking those barriers down.

Now, take a deep breath. You’ve done the hard work of identifying your challenges. Next up? Crafting a vision for the life you want. Let’s make it happen!